Home Recent Landscape Music Performance Sports Archive

Bob McElroy - Photos / Performance

A collection of photo galleries that focus on various stage (or other) performances or events. This definition is a little fuzzy and there may be overlap with the "music" category.


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Deep River Summerfest

Every two years, on the long weekend in August, Deep River celebrates summer at Summerfest. Lots of music and lots of beer.

(26 photos)

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Open Mic at Long Shots

Tuesday evening is Open Mic at Long Shots Sports Cafe in Deep River. Lots of fun. Here are some photos

(43 photos)

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Pembroke Multicultural Festival 2023

The Pembroke Multicultural Festival is held annually at the Pembroke Waterfront and Riverwalk Amphitheatre to celebrate culture, embrace diversity, and honour traditions in the Pembroke community.

(34 photos)